Happy Monday...
Whilst procrastinating just a little bit this evening, I came up with this idea of a Monday Mood-board. I know that for me Mondays are often pretty boring and a some inspiration in always needed to get me in the mood for the rest of the week, so that is exactly what this display of my weekly state of mind should do.
At the moment, probably like everyone in wet and cold London, I just feel like snuggling up in a cocoon of a duvet and reading magazines all day long. I am also extremely jealous of my dad being in New York this week as I know that the fall there is particularly gorgeous and wish I could be exploring those endless streets, sipping on a spiced hot chocolate right now, rather than ploughing through my eternal stacks of homework.
Some of this week's photos are from this weekend such as the one of the amazing new issue of ELLE about the Emma Watson's new and inspiring feminist identity. They describe her as "fiercely intelligent,spirited and playful-the fresh face of feminism." The photo of me in my all grey tracksuits is from last night after a long hot-shower that cured me of all-day paintballing in giant mud puddles and cold winter weather. Others are from by recent tumblr feed, and put me in the Autumnal feel.
I hope you have a wonderful week and find time to cosy up in your bed and enjoy its warmth, reading a book or just checking Instagram (like me).